Jeremiah 29: 13

YirmeYahu / Jeremiah 29: 13

“And, you shall seek Me, and find (Me), when you search for Me with all your heart.”

YHVH knows us so (!) well! And, He realizes how to motivate each of us to pursue a real relationship with Him!

I am aware that I need this reminder, so I can think through what is the meaning of each word in the verse!

This verse, to me, is the most important one within the group of verses from v. 11 through v. 14 (part “a”). It simply speaks straight, stating that, IF I truly, sincerely desire to draw closer to The Most Loving, Merciful, Awesome Father there ever could be, I just need to …

… seek Him as I would seek for a precious treasure I really wanted, and do my searching with all that is within my being. Then, He says, and only then, would I actually “find” YHVH, Who Loves me much more than I will ever understand. (!)

This is inspiring wording, to my soul! Our Father (Avinu, in Hebrew) arranges events and relationships between various people whose path our path may cross … to show us how extensive and powerful is His Love for us!

I *do* know that, for most of us, people in our past did not treat us as they would’ve wanted to be treated. Others intentionally hurt us, emotionally and / or physically, or spoke evil to others about us without thinking, or damaged our business’ future, or otherwise, hurt us deeply.

Though it is a real challenge for me to separate what someone may do (or has done) to my body, from the truth that no person can ever actually destroy me by what they do to my body, or to my emotions, … I *have* learned that YHVH watches me to see “how” I will respond to whatever comes to me, in life.

He wants me to search for Him *with all my heart!* … as IF life itself depended on my reaching YHVH, as in the idea of running after someone to try to overtake them, stop them, and hug them tightly, because I, or you, want that Someone more than anything else! I do! Do you?

Leave me a thoughtful comment, IF you want to. If you need a listening ear, I will be glad, and honored, to listen to whatever you feel willing to share. (Honestly, I am speaking to ladies and moms. Young and older. I am married to one who is able to listen intently to men and dads. So, when you are ready, write us a note in the comment box! Thank you!)